Short reflection for 3rd Sunday of Easter. Reflection on the gospel Luke 24:13-35

Fr Solomon Kwaghjime STK M.Ss.Cc


The Emmaus story assures us that no matter what happens in our lives, the risen Jesus is always with us. The Emmaus incident shows us a God who will not abandon us when we are hurt and disappointed.
Jesus meets us on our road to Emmaus, both in the ordinary experiences of our lives, and in the places to which we retreat when life is too much (harsh) for us. Our hopes and dreams of a better health, healing, financial security and a better family relationship have been shattered by this pandemic (Covid 19) but this story promises us however, that Jesus will come to us in unfamiliar guises to support, strengthen and above all heal us when we least expect. Therefore, let us with the perception of His presence, walk with him, talk with him, depend on him now and always, worship him, and tell others about Him. And may he heal our land of this pandemic as we rely on his Providence. Amen.

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