The call to spread the Gospel echoes deeply within we believers, but it is through the dedication and training of future missionaries that this mission truly comes to life as we understand the importance of nurturing the next generation of spiritual leaders. Within our Religious congregation, we are committed to the formation and support of seminarians and its also one of our greatest challenges seminarians as they prepare for the Ministerial Priesthood. That’s why we are reaching out to you, the faithful, to stand with us in solidarity and support so that together, we can ensure that these aspiring servants of God receive the education and resources they need to carry out their sacred mission. Join us in investing in the future of faith by supporting our seminarians today.

Here’s how you can make a meaningful impact

Your contributions can be made periodically, and donations can be in cash or kind. Depending on your preference, your name can be acknowledged or remain anonymous.

Donate today and be a part of shaping the future of our religious community!


Full Sponsorship (Annually) = 250,000,00

Half Sponsorship (Annually) = 150,000,00

Half Sponsorship (Annually) = 100,000,00

80000,00, 50000, 20000 Etc…


NB: Sponsorship payments can be made in installments, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually. This opportunity is extended to individuals, institutions, groups, societies, unions, parishes, associations, and families. Upon the completion of the seminarian’s formation, the Seminary will connect the candidate with the supplementary sponsor.

Those opting for any of the sponsorship categories or wishing to donate outside these categories can transfer payments to the account and kindly provide your name and contact information on WhatsApp to the Tel. below. Donors are encouraged to share their birthdays and wedding anniversaries, as the Seminary offers Masses for sponsors and donors on these occasions.

 Account Number: 0040596784

Account Name: Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Bank: Access Diamond Bank

For more info contact:

Very Rev. Fr. Geoffery Obinna Nwafor,

Tel: 08039213376

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