…..the voice of the hearts…. Vol. 6 No. 6 6th edition July 2021-July 2022
Theme: Culture and Development
Culture although has something to do with cultivation from its etymological perspective, entails the totality of the forms of expressions, behavior and values transmitted from generation to generation within a people. Its necessity in the lives of the people is enormous and undeniable as it underscores their identity and uniqueness. In the same vein, it is myopic to fail to recognize the contributions of culture to the formation and socialization of its adherents. Many cultus values are worth embracing on the basis of gargantuan positive roles they play in mal the people more human and good mannered.
The reality of culture contacts is evident today especially with the aid of the media, international relations, and the existent promotion of globalization etc. Undoubtedly, this has resulted to the enrichment of various cultures and has contributed to their development. The reality of this culture contacts is seen not only among the various rich cultures of Africa but also between the African culture and the western culture with the advent of Western missionaries, colonialism et cetera. Granted that this has positive sides, it is not without its negative dimension in that the degrading acceptance of the superiority of the Western culture and lifestyle is the current situation. Consequently, many rich African cultural values are relegated to the background. Furthermore, The growing trend to be more Western than African has not only led to the crisis of identity, but has also created a conducive atmosphere for the infiltration of vices and abnormalities with the camouflaged names of development and civilization. This seems to give the conclusion regarding the honest consideration of the future of today’s scorty, a pessimistic outlook.
Having considered the urgency to put up practical measures to ensure that “the lame foot is not completely disabled but instead be healed”, the Hearts’ Magazine has come up with the 6th edition of her publications (2021) bearing the theme, “Culture and Development.” Here, the elements and conditions of authentic development of culture are not only discussed, but also the maressity of maintaining and promoting good cultural values is established. The work consists of various well written articles on different topics and rich interviews on this theme that could spur the readers to appreciate their cultures, work towards achieving authentic development and live honorably for their good and the good of the society at large……..
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