It is an abbreviation that stands for Missionari dei Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria (Italian), Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (English) and Congregatio Missionariorum a Sacris Cordibus Iesu et Mariæ (Latin).

The Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, is a religious and clerical Institute of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, formed of Priests and Brothers, consecrated to God by religious profession of evangelical counsels through public vow.

The Congregation was founded by St. Gaetano Errico.  

He was born on the 19th of October 1791 in Secondigliano, Naples, Italy. He was ordained as a secular priest in Naples, Italy, on 23rd September, 1815. He founded the Institute in 1838, and died on 29th October, 1860. He was canonized a saint by Pope Benedict XVI on 8th October, 2008.

The Principle Patroness of our Institute is Our Lady of Sorrows. The protectors of our Institute are: St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary; St Michael; St. Raphael; St. Gabriel; St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori; St. Alexis; St. Gaetano Thiene; St Francis Xavier; St. Margaret Alacoque; St John Eudes; and St. Nunzio Sulprizio.

We are called to live out the love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the spirit of reparation, expiation and sacrifice to become messengers of their love

The Congregation was founded in 1836 in Secondigliano, Italy.

Our confreres participate in the mission of the Church in varied ways namely: administration of parishes and sacraments, organization and preaching of retreats, organizing workshops and seminars to promote Catholic social justice, the apostolate of the Word (Preaching and Catechesis), hospital, prison, school chaplaincies, and promotion of social works according to the need of the time and places. Our congregation exercises its apostolic activity in communion with the Church. We are subject to the Bishops in whatever relates to the care of souls, the public exercise of divine worship and other apostolic works.

Yes, we are a clerical Institute of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right.

The Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary minister in many nations including: USA, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain, Nigeria, Cameroon, India and Indonesia.

We have a formation house in Nigeria, for all the different stage of formation to the Catholic Priesthood. Altogether, candidates for the priesthood spend a minimum of ten years: Postulancy/Philosophical Studies (five years), Novitiate (one year) and the Temporary Profession/Theological Studies (four years).

In Nigeria, our priests are working in the Archdiocese of Owerri, Archdiocese of Onitsha, Lagos Archdiocese and Markurdi diocese.

As a religious institute of consecrated men, we profess the three evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience which are fundamental to the religious life. In addition, we also profess the vow of perseverance which obliges the fidelity of members to the end.

No. We are different from the Congregation of the Two Hearts of Love.

Our seminarians undertake their Philosophical and Theological studies at Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Ulakwo, Owerri, Imo State. However, we have our formation house –St. Gaetano Errico Seminary Ulakwo, which is just close to Seat of Wisdom Seminary. Our Seminaries live in our formation house and then attend lectures at Seat of Wisdom Seminary.

We have Religious and Diocesan priests. A Diocesan priest makes promises of chastity and obedience and he is under the authority of his local bishop. A Religious priest belongs to a religious community such as members of Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which are typically guided by a particular mission or spiritual tradition. Religious priests take the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and they are under the authority of their local superior and provincial

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