…THE HEARTS AROUND THE GLOBE… Katie Waldow (Director, Youth and Young Adult Faith Formation) New Jersey, United States of America


It has been a privilege to walk with the young people of our parish for the last even years as Director of Youth and young Adult Ministry here at St. Damien. The Spirit is moving in a powerful way, and I continually pray for the south as they journey in their faith through this time in their lives.

In working with young people, I have been able to witness their journeys of faith through all different ages and stages. I think there are many ways the youth can grow spiritually, but I would like to focus on a few actionable steps we can take as a community to serve the youth of our Church and help them to foster growth in the Spirit.

Opportunities of encounter with the lord are essential to the spiritual growth of our young Church. There are so many things competing for their time and attention, and it is important that their life with Christ be more than just another item on their full schedule.

These opportunities for encounter .can look like many things, but some examples include inviting them to receive the sacrament in Mass, offering service activities to help those in need, creating community with their peers and trusted adults, opportunities for prayer and reflection, and inviting them to spend time with the Lord on retreat.

Another way youth can grow spiritually, arguably the primary way, is through prayer. As a community, it is important we share various ways for the youth to pray and teach them how to do so. As a young person, I loved music and singing, and was so drawn to prayer through worship. I participated in the choir after I was invited to do so by a member of the parish, and continued to stay connected in this way through college. Even as an adult, music and worship is still one of my favorite ways to sit with the Lord in prayer. Offering and teaching various ways to pray will help young people connect to the Lord in a personal way, use their individual gifts and talents, and know how to turn to God in both.


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