…THE HEARTS AROUND THE GLOBE… Julia Garner South Carolina, United States of America

I am a young single mom just trying to grow towards heaven one day at a time! Currently, my son and I live with our family in rural South Carolina. I am very passionate about our humble farm, developing friendships, and raising my little family in the Catholic faith.

Hearts Magazine:  As a young adult, what is your greatest challenge?

Julia Garner: As a young adult, I would have to say my greatest challenge is forming and understanding who I am, as a daughter of God, in a world that seems to hold Him in so little esteem. From every direction, the image of money and fame is seen as the highest form of success. Nothing else holds the level of value that these do in the eyes of the world. Yet growing up Catholic has shown me that the ultimate goal I can reach in life is to know; love, and serve my Creator. My value is not based on my looks, my intelligence, others’ opinions, or anything else for that matter. My inherent value comes from being a daughter of the King of kings. It seems like an easy concept to accept when written down on paper, but when I’m constantly being told a different story from the world, that truth becomes blurry. It’s hard to filter all the different messages that are being thrown in my face every day. Sometimes those opinions cloud my vision and I lose sight of what is truly important. It has taken me a long time, but I have come to accept that I am human and I am going to make mistakes. I was not made to be perfect in this life. I am only asked to keep making efforts and by placing my trust in the merciful heart of my Lord, I know He will make me perfect in the next life. Society may not hold me in any esteem, but that discomfort lasts only a short time in comparison to the heavenly reward I will receive by choosing to walk after Christ. So, take heart dear reader, no matter how far you have strayed, know that God is merciful and if you allow Him, He will always lead you back to Himself

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