…THE HEARTS AROUND THE GLOBE… Fr. Stephen Robbins United States of America


I recently was in New York with a friend on a free day, and near us there was a group of high school aged young people who were on a class trip. I was very struck by how almost all of them were engulfed in their phones. Each person seemed to be trapped in his own little world, scrolling through social media, watching videos, or listening to something on his ear buds. They seemed closed off to the world around them, having everything they needed to occupy themselves on the little screens in front of their faces.

When I consider the question of how our young people can grow spiritually, there are certainly many obstacles that our culture has put in place. One of the primary ones is how distracted we are, especially due to technology. At any moment, we have a limitless availability of images, videos, podcasts, and music to provide constant stimulation to our senses. With all of this bombarding our minds, how can young people today possibly hear the still, small voice of God calling them to enter into a relationship with Him?

It seems to me that the best way for our young people today to grow in their spiritual lives and get to know Christ better is to make time each day for silence. If prayer is about entering into dialogue with God, it is just as the important for us to listen to Him as it is to talk to Him, and the only way we can listen to Him is if we are silent.

For most people today, we are at constantly on the go, and thanks to technology, even our small bits of free time are also filled with noise. Being intentional about taking some quiet time each day could lead to a huge g spiritual renewal among all the faithful, but especially for our young people.

But how do we do this? For those who are not used to silence, it can be intimidating. We might feel restless end uncomfortable, and be tempted to abandon it for something more ‘productive.”


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