(MBBS Uniport, WACSDO,FMCOph, PDCph) (Consultant ophthalmologist) (Chief Medical Director of St. Joseph’s Eye Hospital, Mgbirichi.)


Hearts Magazine: Good day Sir! We are the members of the editorial crew of the Hearts Magazine 2021/2022 publication. This year’s publication touches a very sensitive, relevant aspect of society; it attempts to draw the readers’ attention to the ordeals of youths and other issues surrounding that stage of human development. It is in this regard that we wish that you shared with us some insights.

However, before then, may you be fi pleased to introduce yourself?

Sr. Christiana: My name is Sr Christiana Ubaka. I belong to the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy religious Congregation (DMMM). I am from de Amanator in Ideato South L.G.A. I So am a Consultant Ophthalmologist

and this is my 18 years as a medical bel practitioner. At the moment, I work and live at DMMM at St. Joseph’s Eye Hospital Mgbirichi, Ohaji L.G.A, Imo State.

Hearts Magazine: How would you define/describe drug abuse?

Sr. Christiana: For a better understanding of the subject matter, it would be tend appropriate to have an insight into what drug abuse is all about or what constitutes drug abuse.

Drug abuse is the use of legal or illegal substances in ways that are inappropriate. For example, taking more than the regular or prescribed dosage of pills or using that someone else’s prescription. People tend to abuse drugs to feel good, case stress, or avoid reality. Sometimes it is also out of ignorance or presumption.

Drug abuse can also be definable only in terms of societal disapproval and involves different types of behaviour, which include: experimental and recreational use of drugs; and use of psychoactive drugs to relieve problems or symptoms.

At first, one may choose to take a drug because of the way it makes him feel. There is a tendency to think one can control how much and how often it is used. However, overtime, these drugs have the capacity to utter normal functioning of the brain. They make their victims lose control and can generally lead to damaging behaviours. This is when addiction to these drugs is said to have taken place; and this condition contributes to societal problems. Nonetheless, there is a possibility of rehabilitation and total cure from drug addiction. Abuse of legal drugs happen when people overuse or underuse legally approved drugs or administer them without prescription from qualified health workers. Most commonly abused legal drugs in Nigeria are anti-malaria drugs and antibiotics.

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