…..the voice of the hearts…. Vol. 6 No. 6 7th edition July 2022 - July 2023

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK: The term “youth” according to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary entails the time of life when one is young especially the period between childhood and, maturity, the early period of existence, growth or development or a young person. It is a common and popular assertion that youths are the leaders of tomorrow. This veritable assertion is obviously laden with meanings, implications and exigencies which include, inter alia, the necessity of the youths for the existence and progressive development of the society, the future of the society as largely dependent on the youth, and the need to work effectively towards achieving the well-being of the youths and assuring them a better future. It is not an exaggeration to affirm that the alarming condition of our youths, the heartbreaking escalation of juvenile delinquency and the colossal destruction of the lives of many promising young people in Nigeria today raise immense concerns for those who sincerely desire and work for the good of the Nigerian society. The failure of the government to provide the youths with the necessary assistance and amenities for a better living condition, the “instrumentalization” of the youths by politicians, the fast growing rate of ritual killings among the youths, and their massive involvement in fraudulent activities with impunity speak volumes about the future of our society. This necessitates the fact that adequate attention be paid to the youths so as to unravel the root causes of the problems bedeviling them today and to unearth the untold story regarding them.

Thus the Hearts Magazine in this edition of her publications has deemed it pertinent to exfoliate the importance of the youths in the society and to confront the multi-faceted problems plaguing the youths today with the purpose of proffering viable and feasible solutions to them. There are interviews on this with many rich articles that have done justice to the topics involved. They are not meant only for intellectual enrichment but also to challenge all to collaborate effectively in the mission of achieving a better future for our youths and for the society at large. I therefore urge and encourage everyone to grab a copy of this magazine to be well equipped for this expedient and urgent mission.

Happy reading.


Grab your copy now from the Hearts Magazine!………

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